
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:41:31
There is a kite _______ in the tree(land,langing)请问选哪一个?原因? Do you enjoy Jay's new son?Yes,it______really beautiful.A.soundsB.hearsC.listensD.listens on一分钟内回答 将所给每组字母重新组合成正确的单词:wnos --- Do you like ____?--- Yes,it 's white and beautiful. 怎么用same造句啊,要关于初一的,要汉语如上 What were the students discussing at the beginning of the text?这句话如何译 ae中怎么把两个合成合并成一个合成就是项目面板中的两个自己建的合成,把这两个合成一个 In a room four men were seated at a large table 的翻译 如题 miss you at any time in 我现在初1,大家有什么办法可以让我7天之内把数学成绩提高点,我的2元方程,图形什么的都不会,这可关系到一台lumia800啊 我叫宋淼,Do you like the song you and Me?Of course.It ______ great.(填空题).练习书上的题目.有这样几个词填入上面的横线上:suonds;looks;smells。 求like a song中文歌词要求一行英文一行中文的,谢谢 on top of 和on the top of 有什么区别on top of 有相叠加的意思 那和 on又有什么区别 不都是sth放到了sth上嘛 快,就今天解决~ 求涵数定义域,值域 y=x²-6x+7 求y=x^2-6x+7的定义域和值域 对于函数y=(1/2)^x²-6x+15.(1)求函数的定义域,值域.(2)确定函数的单调区间. when she finally arrived there,all her fears went away 中,fear是物质名词吗? 初一应用题,追加分.某出租汽车公司有出租车100辆,平均每天每车消耗的汽油费为80元,为了减少环境污染,市场推出一种叫“CNG”的改烧汽油为天然气的装置,每辆车改装价格为4000元.公司第一次 (-1/30)/(2/3-1/10+1/6-2/5) 1-8(1/4+0.5x)=3(1-2x){ 3/2x+3x>9 4x-34≤96-9x 2x-5>4x 1/2x+3≤2-1/4x 2(x-3)-3(x+1)>0 When she arrived,he ______________the waste into the river.(dump) 做2道简便计算题175000÷125二十七又二十分之九÷9 in the reading room,we found her ___at a desk,with her attention ___on a book.A:sitting,fixingB:to sit,fixedC:seating,fixingD:seated,fixed为什么?并且sit和seat之间有什么区别? 2道简单应用题1.一块方钢长6m,横截面是一个边长为2cm的正方形,如果1立方厘米的钢重7.8g,这块方钢重多少?2.红星村要修一条长1800m,宽12m的公路,要先铺10cm厚的三合土,再铺6cm厚的沙石.需要三合 In the reading room,we found her [ ] at a desk ,with her attention on a book.【说明原因】A,sitting; fixing B,to sit ; fixed C,seating ;fixing D,seated ;fixed 2道计算题,我要的是简便的.计算:211×(-455)+365×455-211×545+545×365=_____37.9×0.0038+1.21×0.379+6.21×0.159=______ 简单的2道应用题1.一台甲型拖拉机4天耕完一块地的一半,后来又有一台乙型拖拉机加入,两台合耕,2天耕完这块地的另一半,乙型拖拉机单独耕这块地需要几天?2.从甲地到乙地的路程是15千米,A骑 I found her _____at the desk ______a letterA sitting writting B seated writing C seated written D seating writing 2道简单计算题1(X+2Y-Z)(X-2Y+Z)2(3X+2)(3X-2)-5X(X-1)-(2X-1)^化简而已 英语翻译帮忙纠正一下begin to wither away,The leaves begin to fall.Winter is coming.When I look back,u r disappear.我知道我时态什么的肯定不对的 哈 -There are two girls over there.Who is Lily?-Lily?Oh,she is _of the two.A.the taller B.tallest C.taller D.tall I found my daughter sitting in the kitchen, crying ________.A) stronglyB) bitterlyC) heavilyD) deeply I walk alone,gradually,I found the flowers begin to wither away,The leaves begiI walk alone,gradually,I found the flowers begin to wither away,The leaves begin to fall.Winter is coming.When I look back,u r disappear.我知道我时态什么的肯定