
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:31:49
english:Over-packaging中packaging是否是动名词 The meeting over,the students were dismissed.meet本身就是名词为什么是动名词形式呢? students can find everything they need to look up when doing research paper or reading for fun句子中的doing 和 reading 是动名词还是分词?如果是分词,为什么要这么用?不能是do research or read for fun 动名词与分词是什么? 假如生活欺骗了你阅读答案假如生活欺骗了你,  不要悲伤,不要心急!  忧郁的日子里需要镇静:  相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临.  心儿永远向往着未来;  现在却常是忧郁.  一 从哪里,到哪里,再到哪里(大约是一千米) 问下一千米是几里 教师办公室英文怎么写?教师办公室英文教师办公室英文教师办公室英文 老师办公室用英文怎么写 2012年的12月份的6级成绩什么时候出来? 请问,2012年6月份的英语六级成绩什么时候能出来? 有一只小鸟在房顶上.There is a small bird there is a bird resting on the town of the house是什么意思 英语连词成句 tree there big is a on the bird 初二英语There is a house _____(work) on the ground. There is a house _____(work) on the ground. ( )the Earthquake happened in Sichuan,a lot of people lost their lives and homes.1.because 2.but3.when 4.so Thousands of people lost their (lifes,lives)because of the illness . Lots of people were reported _______in the earthquake,but so far we haven't found out the exact number yet.A to die B to be dying C to have been dead D dead (答案选D,为什么,请逐个分析) 写出下列动词的三单和现在分词形式go begin get di relax swim dance take eat watch shop see help piaystar sing write work look piay现在分词是什么 求关于take、give、get、turn、bring、go、等高频短语. 求诞生 出现的同义词如题 take,give,go,开头的短语 看见(同义词) 英语:选择括号里单词合适的形式填在横线上,并要说明理由.(没有选项的根据句型选择)拜托了各位 1、Su Hai and Su Yang ____(like)____(swim).2、____(do)Su Hai_____(like)_____(make) clothes?3、What_____he_____(d see word buy look take pliand skip stop carry plany的现在分词?和see word buy look take pliand skip stop carry plany的过去式?给加50分,速度到9点没时间 There is a big house ( ) a garden ( ) ( ) ( ) there is a river —[ ] my house and around—[ ] is a big garden. He has a big house where there is a big garden He has a big house where there is a big garden这句话对不对? only a handful of people came to the meeting.1:翻译2:handful of people 为什么不直接:handful people