来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:14:49
they like different A /.colours B the,colour C the,coloursD/,colour选哪个they like( ) different( ) A /.colours B the,colour C the,coloursD/,colour选哪个 王畿是什么意思 哈尔的移动城堡讲了一件什么事? 哈尔的移动城堡有谁看懂了吗?能不能讲一下情节.我完全没有看懂讲的什么 西周分封制是如何加强对地方的控制的,诸侯是不是从周王那里分的土地和人民以后就可以独立了? 使西周成为空前强大的奴隶制国家的主要原因是 西周是我国奴隶制的鼎盛时期么?还是衰落时期? ( )child as he is,he is very mature.A.A B./ C.The D.One( )child as he is,he is very mature.A.A B./ C.The D.One请问都在什么情况下可以省略名词前面的介词呢? he is very ____in the earthquake,and he saves___children.能填上吗, how many colour seasons? 一千年以前和一千多年以前用英语怎么说 哈尔的移动城堡 讲的是什么啊? 哈尔的移动城堡讲的是什么内容?画面制作怎么样?内容呢? 如果只能选择其一,在生理高度,和极强的理性(比如研究哲学的)面前,女人一般会选择哪个? justify your faith in me,中文是什么中文意思, 东京铁塔用英文怎么说 东京塔的英文单词怎么拼 东京铁塔的英语怎么讲 论事实与实证方法?自然辩证法结课论文!哥们学理工的,实在让头大啊~ 如何在利用好网络,关于提升能力方面的、、、、 请问:想利用暑假时间提高自身的英语水平有什么好办法吗,Internet能起到很大帮助吗? 我很难过.维语怎么说呢?求好人. 维语怎么说“我很难过”呢?求好人. 英语翻译Rather disappointed ,the boy gave up the video games and chose a book of stickers instead.After they walked away,the little girl ran over to the Pokémon video games.She excitedly picked up one lying on top of the others,and hurried down 英语翻译As part of its recommendation,the National Transportation Safety Board is urging states to ban drivers from using hands-free devices,including wireless headsets.No state now has made laws to ban such activity,but the Board said that drive 翻译:请帮忙翻译以下两句话.(英译中)翻译:1、Typology based on nature of participation according to the direction of communication flows 2、Typology based on different degrees of participation on acontinuum. Numerous a 英语翻译 有没有avoid to do怎么用?还是说要加be 英语翻译麻烦翻译一下how can teachers apply the theory of multiple intelligence in the classroom?what is a good way to learn for a student with a lot of musical intelligence? 英语翻译OK,you ask,so what traits can be found while analyzing handwriting?Many traits can be shown provided the writing is in cursive (草书的),because printing has some limitations.Cursive provides the analyst with the upstrokes (向上的一 视频文件中,"curly"是什么意思? 英语翻译Can you can a can as a canner can can a can If a sleeper in a sleeper sleeps,does the sleeper not in the sleeper on the sleeper sleep?