来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:40:47
the clock wakes her up还是wake her up? 将下列句子改为被动句【英语练习题】1.We call it a clavichord.2.The workers made it in Germany in 1681.3.A friend of mine is repairing it.4.People can hear the noise night and day.5.The government has offered me a large sum of money. Anna,does your mother work? 英语翻译按照您给的信息,登陆后可以访问...c:/pr.中文翻译成英文! 英语翻译原文如下,用翻译机器骗分的就先免了吧.生日快乐,麻衣!我们都是中国的粉丝,一直给麻衣助威哦,我们一直等着,想让麻衣来这儿呢.但是麻衣特别忙,但这没关系.要是麻衣健健康康地, 英语翻译I_Still_believe_someday_you_and_me_will_find_ourselves_love_again!就这句, am、 is、 are每次都是当做系动词的么?每次都看做系动词么? 如何练习发外语中的卷舌音? love you mother who who 英语翻译 请问您有北师大版高中英语模块4-8的课文录音材料吗?有的话可以发给我么? 物理星形接法电路图怎么看是不是负载对称把一个灯的开关关掉中线也没电流1 美语中的卷舌音要怎么读? 抒展近义词 持的近义词要一个字的,多一点. can you piay it well 哈伯观测了什么天体, 证明怎么证明分压式电路比限流式电路耗能大?都指最基本的标准电路哦 ②Train industries/ services are now back to normal after last week's strike.这里答案选了services,可是为什么不选industries呢?③People donating money out of sympathy to those who are less lucky is considered a significant contribution 1.-When did he leave?-He left_____ you turned back to write something on the blackboard.A.the moment B.the time C.the soon D.the hour2.请问reason后可以跟名词性从句吗? 一、whoever与no matter who有什么区别?什么时候它们两个都可以用,什么时候只能用其中一个?二、句首为是否一定要用to be exact而不能用exactly?为什么?真心感谢为我解答的人. 物理连线电路图中什么时候用线流式和分压式 为什么别人问**人贵姓时,回答者会说:”免贵,姓**“?还有,有次我和一个不熟悉的人吃饭,他问我”抽烟不“,我是女的,肯定不抽,我就说”不抽“,他也就没抽,这是为什么?我在想是不是我误解 is done,was done的被动语态是?is being done,was being done,has been done,had been done,will be done的被动语态是? 电学实验部分,电路图哪些是采用分压式哪些是限流式,有什么规律,有没有什么记法.高考实验 来历?感觉有些异形? 两道英语关于非谓语动词的1.These students______ in Class 10 ,are playing games on the playground.A.included B.including C.to include2.The bridge ______ next year is about 1500 meters long.A.built B.to be built C.will be built 第一题应 Don't be nevous You're sure to win.如何回答A.I will try.B.Thank you very much.C.Yes,we will win. 你确定他会赢吗?Are you sure ( ) he ( ) win? Sports aregood for people's health.So many people enjoy sports in the w___. 介词填空的题目Jane has not invited him ( ) because it is too far away to travel ( )Japan ( )ship. 一些介词填空题目.因为都是最常见的介词的常用情况,没有给出首字母.1.China ist reich ____ Bodenschätzen.2.Der Lehrer ist sehr streng ____ uns.3.Sie ist sehr arm ____ Kenntnissen.4.Bist du ____ dem Sänger bekant?5.S