
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:01:14
we have the pleasure to contract you the following goods on the term and condition set forth as hereunder 现在的你,我爱理不理.以后的你,我高攀不起. 日月潭是岛上的天然湖泊.湖中小岛把湖面分成日潭和月潭.湖水清澈,湖面水平如镜.岸边绿草如茵、花朵艳丽.四周群山环绕,林山青葱,山水相映,吸引了许多中外游客前来观光,成了著名的旅游 日月潭是岛上的天然湖泊,湖中有小岛,把湖面分为日潭和月潭.湖水清澈,湖面平滑如镜,岸边绿草如茵,花朵艳丽,四周群山环绕,草木青翠,山水相映.吸引了许多中外游客前来观光,成了著名的游 一、我会读句子,并填空.1、小岛把湖水分成两半,北边像圆圆的太阳,叫日潭;南边像弯弯的月亮,叫日潭.(1)把( )比喻成( ).(2)把( )比喻成( ).2、要是下起蒙蒙细雨,日月潭好像 急湖!的北面像圆圆的太阳,叫日潭.湖的南边像弯弯的月亮,叫月潭.仿照这两句话 写两个句子. 日月河是岛上天然湖泊.湖中有两个小岛,把湖面分为日潭和月潭.湖水清澈,湖面平滑如镜.岩边绿草如茵,花朵美丽.四周群山环绕,林木葱郁,山水相映.日月潭吸引了许多中外游客前来观光,成了 英语翻译A deviation of the tolerance from the outside diameter is to be designated as a committee,意思,主要committee在其中的意思 Lucy is sister is fine.提问 she is from [english]括号部分提问.是怎样?.the boy is [ ten].she is [fine ]这些呢? 今天你对我爱答不理明天我让你高攀不起这句话出自马云哪个视频如题 I am doing my homework now.这个句子有重复么?这个句子有动词doing吧!还有be动词am吧!一个句子不能同时有两个动词吧! 写信能用a4纸写吗 stay和wait的区别 Dave lives __far_from__ school?横线上为什么要填far from people may order their food and only wait a few minutes. he is the owner of this bike he ---- this bike 大学里的外教多吗,每个大学都有外教吗 Please wait untill half past three tomorrow afternoon.请问这个wait 后面怎么不要for there are a lot of people_____(tie)the young trees on the farm her name (be)linda.用所给词的适当形式填空what`s this in english?this is a is you i·m very well·那个错了 The wind blew lightly,the cherry trees drifting and A strong wind hit the south and blew down a lot of trees为什么要用hit the south?题目的原文翻译是:一股强劲的北风刮倒了许多的树木。强劲的北风可以用袭击南方hit the south的方法表达吗? 求《柳林风声》的读后感! 2014年12月份的四六级什么时候考 and they call us the bad guys帮我翻译下 Jenny:What are you doing?Jim:1.________________.Jenny:What are you doing?Jim:1.________________.Jenny:Do you like volleyball?Jim:Yes.I like it very much.Jenny:2.________________?Jim:I play bolleyball once a week.3.________________?Jenny:I like voller Once given pain in my mind, in the arm wucaichi again again emerged什么意思啊 the one in if the pain in your leg becomes worse,get it__at be seenb,seen toc,be seen to其他为何不对? Move the pain什么意思 信不信由你 英语词组怎么写